Monday, February 14, 2011

V-day...oh how I loath YOU!

That is right, I Dana Christine Stansbery declare V-Day the dumbest holiday in the history of holidays.
I know I have blogged about this terrible holiday before but I must reiterate how much I actually dislike heart day. A whole bunch.

The day at school was not too bad. It was 81 degrees in my classroom and I had sweat running down my back most of the day but nothing major happened. I had a few behavior problems but nothing too terrible. Maybe if I had my own children I would like it more?!?!?!

I fake it pretty well for my students. I even had a big elaborate V-Day box that my amazing JET, Jenna Kost made for me. (Jenna is the best JET I have ever had...sorry Kara, April, Mariah, Tayler, and Madison).

If you want to know why I hate V-day so much please refer to post #2 in February 2009 on my blog.

Highlight of the nine year old friend made a Valentine just for me and delivered it to me in my classroom. She is so darn sweet!! That makes the day a bit more tolerable.

Tonight my big plans are to lead my fellow Ameniaites at our city council meeting. Then I hope to fall fast asleep with dreams of St. Patrick's there is a holiday that makes sense;)

Disclaimer: If you are reading my blog and do not realize that I am mostly joking then relax, I really am mostly joking.

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