Saturday, February 12, 2011

T-shirt Attachment Disorder

I have self-diagnosed myself with T-shirt Attachment Disorder.
Symptoms include:
  • Holding onto T-shirts from your Junior Prom, Middle School Years, your husband's '97 Homecoming shirt, Elementary Basketball Camp and your husband's junior high band shirt
  • Being able to fill your entire bed with a heaping pile of T-shirts
  • Crying when you realize you can NOT get ride of any of the T-shirts because...well because...ummm....mmmmm...
  • Purchasing totes to save the T-shirts


Erin Rae said...

Hey girl there is nothing wrong with that, but I do have a solution so do not throw them away or get rid of them. One question though... Do you still wear them because if you do my solution will not work. Let me know I have a plan.

Mandi said...

Why not just make a t-shirt quilt?