Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Perspective on the Day

Today was full  crappiosity and feelings of not happy. I got home but do not even remember driving home. I grabbed Gus, got him in the pick up and headed to the Vet for his wellness exam and to get a few lumps checked out.

Two minutes into our drive Gus starting seizing. He has these often and I know there is nothing I can do. Having them while driving totally sucks. I drove way to fast for the conditions, made it to the Vet and got Gus calmed down. I was pushing back tears of frustration, got him weighed and sat down to wait. I was utterly pooped out.

Gus curled into me and we sat there waiting to see the doctor. He was totally exhausted from his seizure and just wanted to be cuddled.

A really cool gal was sitting near us and we got to talking. We chatted about our dogs and were wondering about the roads. I started to relax and thanked God for putting this neat lady into my life at  that moment.

Then a cop car pulled up and a deputy got out. The deputy came in to tell the people at the desk that there had just been a terrible accident on the interstate. A woman was killed and her dog was in the vehicle. The woman had left the Vet's office 10 minutes ago. She had complained about her daughter being sick with strep throat, having a terrible day and wanting to just get back home safely.

Then...she died.

The woman was thrown from her vehicle and died. Her dog was carried into the vet office, her husband was taken to the hospital. She was gone.

I guess it really put life into perspective. I am still sick to my stomach after watching the dog be carried into the office and knowing what the dog had just experienced. All night I have been sitting here thinking about the woman and how her life ended. She was totally stressed out, having a terrible day and was just trying to get home.

I have another reason to feel blessed. I made it home after my visit. I got to hug my husband, talk to my mom, eat dinner, play with Gus, pet Sandy and thank God for life.

1 comment:

Laura Beth said...

I have serious goosebumps right now ... that is so sad! Glad you and Gus made it home safe :-)