Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Teaching with Technology

Zig Ziglar has many quotes out there that I love. Some make me laugh and some make me think.
Here are a few of my favorites that have gotten me through the past two years...

Building a better you is the first step to building a better America.

If you can dream it, then you can achieve it. You will get all you want in life if you help enough other people get what they want.

People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing - that's why we recommend it daily.

Your attitude, not your aptitude, will determine your altitude.

The reason I have been reading so many quotes in the past two years is because I have been extremely busy and needing motivation. Yes I am a teacher and a coach and those two hats keep me very busy. Yesterday I put an end to another hat I have been wearing for the past two years. I defended and passed my Teaching with Technology Capstone Portfolio for my graduate degree. I will be hooded on Saturday and walk across the stage as a Master Teacher. I am pretty proud of myself and I think this a pretty great accomplishment. During Volleyball season there were several nights I was up until 1:00 or later and back at the school at 7:00. Next season, I will probably not miss those crazy studying hours. I will however miss the work.
WHAT?!?! I know that is what most people say. I love going to school, I love learning, and I love to write papers. Sick and twisted you say? Well, I guess it probably sounds that way, however I like to learn and apply what I have learned with my students. Hey, is that not what the idea of a teacher should be? Someone who likes to learn? Mr. Metzger thinks I am nuts and he is probably correct. He told me to write a book if I have to appease my need for writing. Memoirs of Gus may be hitting the stands next year;)
Tonight was my first night of no school work. I mowed the lawn and did a bit of raking in the driveway. It is 8:30 and I am not exactly sure what to do next. I guess I will watch some Law and Order and search online for flowers.

1 comment:

Life Is Great with Eight said...

Congratulations Dana! You should be so proud! Way to go Girl!!!!