Sunday, April 19, 2009

Water Water Everywhere

Today Bill and I went to early church so that we could head back to Dale and Becky's house for the day. We did not realize the adventure we would have to get to their farm! It took us two hours to get there due to flooded roads. It usually takes us 50 minutes from Amenia to the farm. Ugh! Roads were washed out that I have never seen water on before. The Nome-Kathryn road was the biggest surprise for Bill and I to see...

Looking East, 1 mile northeast of my mom and dad's farm

Another Shot looking East

Two miles West of my mom and dad's farm
Looking South

This is what has happened to the road west of my mom and dad's farm.
Looking South again

After I emptied a few rounds on the 22 we decided to head back to the farm. My dad, Dale, suggested we go down in the valley so we could see the water between Kathryn and Valley City. The river boundaries were non-existent. I have never seen this amount of water spill over in this way. It was sad to hear the stories of the loss of cattle and the families who have lived in homes for over one hundred years and now their home is surrounded by water.
Here are a few pictures of the Sheyenne.

The River

First bridge north of Kathryn. This is the one just north of the big hill.

The Steven's Ranch, North of Kathryn, South of VC.

More of the Steven's Ranch.

To get from the house to the road, they ride in the tractor bucket and park their vehicles on the east side of the road.

Another farm completely consumed by the water. All of the cattle are now up in the hills to the east.

This is the bridge by Pastor Brad Eden's farm. We were not able to go any further north towards Valley City because we were not brave enough to go across the bridge. That or we were too smart and knew it was way to dangerous.

This is the Kathryn Dam...mmm...where is the dam?????????

This is the Droptine Lodge down by Little Yellowstone. My grandma and grandpa Maasjo used to own the store down there!

After a day running and playing at the farm, Gus was exhausted! He slept the entire way home, hopped in the tub for a shower, and went back to sleep.

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