Thursday, March 12, 2009

Life in a Small Town

Many stereo-types exists about small town life in North Dakota. Some are positive and some are negative. Everyone knows your business is the biggest complaint I hear, but it honestly does not really bother me.
This can be a good thing with a neurotic dog like Gus. It was nice to live in a small town when Gus...
Pushed the air conditioner out of the window, grabbed a pillow and watched the town happenings while hanging out the window resting on the pillow.
Dug his way out of his industrial strength kennel and jumped in the Proseed guys pickup and went for rides all day.
Chewed through the chain link fence and ate cookies at a friends house.
Jumped over the top of the kennel and "played" with the horses across town.
Jumped out the kitchen window and played in the water logged ditch and then jumped back in the window on his own.
...and the many other Guscapades that have taken place. I always get a phone call or someone takes care of him until I get home.

There are many reasons we live in Amenia that do not deal with Gus. The first and foremost reason is the cost. With both Bill and I in school it is nice to live in a cheap house! However, there is really nothing like knowing people care and want to help or the feeling of helping someone else. It was a little creepy that the bartender at the bar across the way waved to me while I was washing the dishes, but what do ya do?
In the mail today we received a letter from our city council members. It was a note with a concern dealing with spring flooding. The note stated that the council would like our best contact information including a cell number in case we need to be reached while we are away for the weekend or while at work. How many cities have a council member that is going to give you a buzz if there is a problem over at your house? The best part is that some already have our number. Why wouldn't they, right? With the last bout of snow we are pretty much ensured water is going to be an issue. I am glad to know that the town is being watched and my house will be safe.
It sure is great to live in a town like Amenia. Everyone knows my business and I am OK with that.

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