Sunday, February 22, 2009

New Job

This is the last week of Bill going to school and working from 6:30am to 12:30 am! We are very excited to see what his new job brings.

Bill is the new Service Writer at Titan Machinery in Casselton. After an internship last summer and a part time position as the Warranty writer this fall, Bill has found a new position. He put in his notice out at Identity Ag Processing and is very excited for his new hours, and so am I! Bill will now be done by 8:00 on Tuesday and Thursday, and only work until 11:00ish on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Every other Saturday he will be working but only until noon. This is the schedule until school is out for the summer...then 7:00-5:00 will be the hours!!! That means I will actually see my husband EVERY DAY! I can not believe this is finally happening. We have already started planning evening activities with each other. We can not wait for time together. I hope we like each other;)

1 comment:

Mandi said...

We still have one of our dogs ~ once we found out I was pregnant we realized how small the house is to have 1 medium husky and one cow of a we found a new home for the naughty one. It was sad, but I think that it was maybe better for Crunch since he's getting older and doesn't need Boone running him over all the time.

It'll be interesting after the baby is born, to see Crunch interacts ~ but he's a freak for kids and we test drove the whole baby thing with Todd's kid and Josh's sister. He sniffs them and then likes to watch them. So that's a good thing, I guess!