Tuesday, July 6, 2010

OK Really?!?!

REVIEW of the DAY:
6:05 Wake up
6:06 Realization that my chest and shoulders hurt so bad I cried a bit but manage to eat some apple sauce, take some tylenol and go back to sleep.
6:10 Bill leaves for work
8:15 Wake up to Bill's voice downstairs saying "Honey, I am sick and laying on the couch!" (Oh our new couch came last week)
All I could think was what if I get the stomach flu??? Selfish I know but after having my stomach and esophagus re-routed, 200+ stitches holding my digestive system together-I really do not think the tummy flu would be conducive to me staying out of the hospital and on my healing road.
8:20-10:30 Still hurting but manage to get out of bed, take a shower, get dressed and check on Bill all by myself. First time I have done this since last Sunday-kind of a big deal. Seriously I really want to continue the road to feeling a new normal.
11:30 While sitting on the couch we both are thinking it is OK, at least we have each other and we are safe.
We then smell smoke. I noticed smoke coming out of the vents! AHHHHH!!!! We had some sort of electrical fire in our basement. Bill managed to get the breaker off and call the furnace people. I had the phone in my hand to call 911. THANK GOD Bill was home with the tummy flu!
12:55 The furnace people are on their way and I am blogging. The smoke has stopped, it stinks in here, but we are OK and I am seriously wondering what is up next.
It is funny how God works, me being here by myself would not have been good. He gave Bill the tummy flu to ensure he was home to protect Gus, Sandy and I. Crazy!
We are so blessed and are thankful this happened while we were both home.


Mandi said...

:( Sorry your day has been so unbelievably crappy! It can only get better.....right?

Can I ask why for you had to have what sounds like pretty extensive surgery? If you don't feel like splaining, it's ok.

Mandi said...

Oh, and if you need anything let me know! Jax and I are home during the day and most nights.