Thursday, July 8, 2010

My Nephew is awesome

I know I brag a great deal about both Brendan and Carter but today Brendan was the sweetest six year old in the world.
After my morning outing I went home, took a nap and was ready to go grocery shopping with Dustin and the boys this afternoon. Honestly I was debating calling and saying I was too tired to go but I know I have to push it a bit so I did.
Anyway, by the time we made it to the grocery store the cart was kind of a struggle for me. Brendan noticed and said, "How about you grab the stuff and I push the cart? That should work real good Dana!"
He pushed the cart through out the entire store! Towards the end Carter found us and wanted to help but Brendan explained that, "Dana needs me to help because she isn't too good at pushing today."
I  think my Brendan is pretty great:)

1 comment:

Mandi said...

:) What an adorable, thoughtful little boy! This made me smile.