Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The Big Hunt

Growing up as a grandchild of Ron and Beth McLeod has been fantastic. We have learned compassion, hard work, how to make an amazing Butterfinger blizzard, how to go cruisin' for chicks, a keen fashion sense and the importance of having a party (including the games UNO or Crazy 8's;)
We have been blessed beyond belief to spend our summers at Lake Sallie in Minnesota. There are so many memories that fill my mind when I think of the lake. Some memories are amazingly wonderful, some funny, some devastatingly life changing, and some just a peculiar thing that no one can understand unless you are a McLeod grandchild.
One of those peculiar memories is that of the "hunt". We hunt in the lake for golf balls. This last weekend Bill, Ashley RayAnn and myself managed to capture over 50 balls. Lake Sallie is an awesome lake for kids. Grandma and Grandpa Mac rocked it when picking our cabin location. You can walk out 75 yards before hitting the drop off, the beach is sandy and it is a very family friendly lake. We are also nestled in by two golf courses. The golf courses do not actually touch the lake but are near by. We are not exactly sure how these golf balls land in the lake however, we do believe it has to deal with the golf courses. That or one of our neighbors hits them in. It is always fun to see the pontoons cruise by and listen to the people discuss the golf balls and the strange existence in our lake.
No matter how they arrive it is fun to finagle a butterfly net or minnow net to grab the balls.

Sometimes it is fun to just walk out, reach down and grab them. The most fun is had by hunting them out in groups, scooping them up and bringing in the bounty.

Then after they have been gathered...we hit them back in of course!
Yes, we are very blessed to have an amazing Grandma and to have had an incredible Grandpa.
Love you Grandma and Grandpa Mac


Life Is Great with Eight said...

Looks like yet another memorable weekend made for you at Lake Sallie! YEAH.... let's go golfing! :)

Unknown said...

Looks like lots of fun at the lake once again! You deserve relaxing weekends like that after I saw you shoveling dirt/rock on main the other day.