There are extremely large bins going up in town and it has not been a fun experience. The original plan was the bins would be built right next to our home. After a very unpleasant city council meeting, and me having to be a bit direct, the plans changed. The bins are being built further South of our home. The process still stinks and is not pleasant. I feel pretty violated and not safe and comfy in my modest little home. I guess I am getting a tough lesson in the land of the business world and the selfish people who are already very wealthy being greedy vultures. It seems honesty and integrity do not go along with making a few bucks anymore in the minds of some people.
We found out today that there is a warehouse and office building going up across the street from our home now. I have cried many tears over it today and am not really sure what to think. I have done my homework and looked into the matter as much as I could for a Friday afternoon. The city council passed the building permits last week and we actually found out through the grapevine. The property line that was put up in the middle of the street yesterday was our clue in to something going on. I guess I have flat out lost a lot of trust today. Dishonesty is not just telling a lie in my book, not telling is dishonest as well. Not sure how to deal with it so I thought I would blog it out;) Here are a few pics of the "progress" in our little town.
This is the view from our front steps. Kind of lost the skyline.
This is the main "gravel" road that is in front of our house. It is nice white sand now. Maybe a lake is coming next?!?!
This is the view across the street. Pretty quiet today, I did not feel comfortable taking pics when all the workers were out or the road blocked as it usually is.
You can see our house in the background. This used to be a nice well kept grassy lawn across from our home.
So I guess change can be a good thing and it can be a negative thing. The trick must be to change the negative into a positive. Making lemonade out of lemons can be tough but my cousins say I make a mean batch of lemonade!!