Thursday, July 25, 2013

We celebrated Dale and Becky's 40th Anniversary together as a family! We decided that we would do it a few days early so we would all be able to enjoy each other's company.
 We got Grandma and Grandpa new cookware, I think they were impressed!

 Jillian is cutting two teeth right now so she was a bit she cried for three hours straight! Bill was a trooper and allowed me to spend time with my family as he cuddled and hugged her.

 My mom wasn't sure if she would make it for Morgan's 2nd birthday on Sunday so she gave Morgan her gifts early. She was pretty happy!!

 She loved her Minnie Mouse sleeping bag! 
 Then Morgan decided it was time to try out her new baseball glove, OUTSIDE!

 We then had a little family baseball time.

 Bill and Jillian made it out to enjoy the fun for a little bit as well.
 Dale and Becky with their grandchildren. I love this picture!!!
 Brendan is such a special guy and I quite enjoy spending time with him. He always brings a smile to my face!
 Jillian was letting everyone know that her teeth were still hurting. 
 Brendan had to take a break in the outfield.
 Becky busted out her glove and came out of softball retirement for the game.
 Then it was time for a quick hug and snuggle before we headed home.

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