Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Good Daddy

Bill is a good daddy. I love him to pieces and always have but ever since Jillian arrived I have found a greater sense of love, trust and respect for him.

Now with that said, here is what happened today at the doctor's office. Bill had an appointment earlier this morning, Jillian had a weigh-in after. It didn't make sense to drive two vehicles so we went together.
We got to the Children's Clinic, checked in and headed downstairs. We got sat down in the chairs then Jillian had a very large toot. We were pretty sure it was not just a toot, so Bill grabbed her and went to change her pants. I giggled a bit that he wanted to do it, but like he has told me many times, "I love being with her and we bond while I change her." Great, I don't really mind letting him do a diaper or two when he is around.
As I am sitting in the waiting area along with other parents and children, I hear a voice, a man talking in a high pitch voice. I heard the voice saying things, like...
"oooohhhh who's a big girl, yes you are, such a big girl, did you make a poopy? Did you make a big poopy?"
I looked at the receptionist and giggled. Other people in the waiting room giggled as well. Yep, that is my large manly husband talking with his 3 1/2 month old little girl. Then the tone changed. I heard, "Oh shoot, no, oh no..uh oh, dang it..." I became concerned but not too worried, Bill is a capable guy. After a minute or two went by and more talking, Bill and Jillian walked out of the bathroom. Jillian was wearing nothing but her diaper and Bill was smiling away. I asked, what happend?!?!?! Why is Jillian naked?? He said she peed all over the place in there. I had to laugh, I then explained to Bill that we (the receptionist and the other people in the waiting room) could hear everything he said. He turned red and said, oh, oh-well!
At least she was ready for her weigh-in! Which, by the way, she is up to 8 pounds 13 ounces!!! She is growing, slowly but surely :)
This little incident made me giggle and I want to remember it!

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