Saturday, March 12, 2011

Weather Changes

I love March.
I think I like it so much because it is a month of changes:)
Here are few changes I like:
The weather usually begins to change. 
The time changes.
We have more sun light.
St. Patrick's Day is the cutest holiday.
All of my teacher decorating is done in green.
We get to take off our winter gear.
Boots become galoshes.

Oh and did I mention the weather changes?!?! :) I am finally ready for winter to be done. I actually really like winter. It makes me slow down and forces me to stay home sometimes.
I believe we finally had our last blizzard last night and Spring is on its way!
We were without power again for about ten hours, which actually was not too bad because it only got down to about 40 degrees in the house and it was over night. I feel bad for Amenia because every time there is a storm with high winds we black out. Maybe we need to go plant trees around the transmitter west of town. Or maybe I will just not comment because I am not even sure if it is a transmitter going out! I am going to leave it up to the experts at Ottertail to take care of business.

I think Gus is ready for Spring as well. He is getting a bit antsy to run and play outside. Sandy, could really care less. She does like to go outside more in the Spring and Summer but she is perfectly content laying on a pillow:)

 I guess I am totally ready for Spring this year. I believe I am more ready this year than in past years.

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