Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Christmas Card and Letter

Here is our Christmas Letter and Picture we sent out this year. I believe everyone has this but just in case I thought I would post:)


2008 has been a fantastic year, full of activity for Sandy, Bill, Dana, and I. Sandy and I are finishing out our fifth year living with Bill and Dana. They are great roommates who understand our canine ways.

Bill is busy going to school full time at NDSU, working as the part time warranty writer at Titan Machinery, and working full time at Identity Ag Processing. He is pretty tired on Saturday and Sunday when I get to see him but he still takes the time to play with me. Sandy and I are very proud of how hard he is working.

Dana is still teaching fifth grade at Central Cass and finished her tenth season of coaching volleyball. Her team finished third in the Region this year. She is also busy working on her master’s degree and plans to graduate this May. I sure am glad about that because she spends way too much time on the computer. Time that would be better spent playing with me. She worked for the Casselton Parks and Recreation department again last summer. We often head over to the Casselton Reservoir and go for walks and swims. That place is great! If you ever want to check it out, let me know and I will give you a tour.

I accidentally pushed Sandy out the upstairs window which caused her to break her arm in three places. Boy, were Bill and Dana mad at me, the funny part is that they just could not figure out how I got the window open! I told them it was the same way I opened all of the other windows. I also managed to lock Dana out of the house one night, I guess there were people outside and I hit the dead bolt earlier in the day, oops! It was no big deal I watched her sit on the lawn furniture for a few hours and she seemed just fine out there. I could tell that the mosquitoes were starting to bother her after awhile but Bill came home and let her inside, which was sure nice of him.

We redid the bathroom last summer, I was a great help with that too! I was most helpful with the texturing and painting. My tail works great and the light green color looked good on the blue couch. Dana did not really agree, her face turned red and I think she raised her voice a bit. No big deal, it happens all of the time. Anyway it worked out great she made me take a long shower and that was fine with me because I love showers.

Bill and Dana took up a new hobby this past summer. As you can see from the photo they have been kayaking. I, however, am not a fan of the kayak; personally I would rather be swimming or chasing a ball. I did make it down to Lake Sally again this year. It was a ton of fun, we stayed up late in the tent barking at noises outside. Then in the morning Bill pretended to hook me up to the chain so that I could go for a run. Boy did I have fun on my run! I guess everyone went in different directions looking for me. Dana knew where I would be, on the beach seven cabins down playing with a yummy dead fish. It tasted great and smelled good too. Dana did not agree but what does she know.

Sandy has healed up from her window accident and is spending most of her time lounging around the house. She is taking good care of me and I am sure glad Bill and Dana got her for me.

We hope that you are doing well and enjoying the holiday season. I hear Bill and Dana asking me what I am up to so I better close with well wishes for the New Year and a Merry Christmas to you.

Have a great holiday season,

Gus, Sandy, Bill, and Dana
Gus Stansbery and family

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