Tuesday, June 11, 2013

First Babysitters

Yesterday I had to leave Jillian for 4 1/2 hours. It was fairly miserable but we survived. I had to go to the school to help with interviews for a new teacher hire because one of my team members is moving. Yes, if you know me at all you know how I feel about my teacher team and I am handling her leaving like a 2 year old having a fit. It is just plain sad, however I am happy for her and her family on their new adventure. I just don't have to like the situation.

Jillian spent the morning hanging out with some of her favorite people so she was happy! I believe they enjoyed their time with her as well. It really hit me how lucky we are to live near family. Also, how lucky we are to have my brother who will watch all four kids on his own. He kind of rocks!

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