Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Being a mother

Sophie made me a mom but with Jillian I get to be a mother. We have learned and continue to learn so very much from Sophie and boy has Jillian taught us a ton!

Here is what we have learned in the past month:

We now live in Jillian's world, she is in charge.
I love Bill more now than I ever have in my life. Watching him be a father to Jillian is amazing.
Baby poop smells really bad.
Going through five changes of clothes in one day is not uncommon.
Girls can shoot pee too, watch out!
Putting anything over Jillian's head infuriates her.
Bath time is stressful and I am convinced we are scaring her for life. ;)
I actually like the color pink.
At night Bill gets Jillian out of her crib. I don't think he realizes I can hear everything he says to her on the monitor. It is ADORABLE!
I can't believe I now like the color pink.
Hair bows and headbands scare me.
Little girl swim suites might be one of the cutest things on the face of this Earth.
Ok, all little girl clothes could be the cutest!
Breast feeding is not traumatic, it is actually really cool.
I like all shades of pink, light, dark, fuscia, hot pink. Sick isn't it?
When Jillian cries, it hurts my heart.
Jillian does not believe in scheduled feeding.
Babies shed their skin.
Taking blood from a baby is a horrific experience. (for me, Jillian has slept through it each time)
There are a lot of things that really just don't matter. Like...showering and putting clothing on before 11:00 am.


Kelly said...

LOVE...LOVE...LOVE your post! I cried while reading it...you are such a wonderful mommy! I am soooo happy for you and Bill!!!! God Bless your family!!!!
Kelly Everson

D and K said...

Love every one of these "learning" moments :) Thank you for sharing with us all!

M. Holland said...

Being a mommy is the best gift ever!!! I remember holding Miss E for the first and realizing that I finally felt I knew what my purpose in life was! ;-)

P.S. I love pink too!

Erin said...

THis makes my heart happy on so many different levels. Over joyed for you and your family.

Laura Beth said...

Love Love Love this! Oh and Look your blog is pink now too ;-)