Saturday, January 14, 2012

"Where flowers bloom so does hope"

After Sophie's funeral we brought many of the flowers from friends and family home. Our house smelled like a flower shop. 

After Sophie's burial, Bill and I decided to get away so we could be alone. Dustin was kind enough to stop by and grab our mail and water our flowers so they stayed fresh. When we came home, we were exhausted and did not pay attention to our house or anything in it. Monday morning I woke up and walked around the house looking at the flowers, crying and trying to figure out how the heck I was going to keep moving and living. 
Then I walked by one of our plants that we have had for six years. The plant has green leaves and has never bloomed, in fact, I did not know that it was supposed to bloom. There on the end of the plant was the most petite little red flower. I sat down on the floor and sobbed for quite some time. 
Some people do not believe God speaks to them. I believe, God speaks to everyone, it is your choice if you choose to listen. 
I truly believe our little red flower is another sign from God that there is hope and beauty in our world that is so broken and sad. Flowers are a sign of hope and can comfort the soul and bring beauty.


Life is Great with Eight said...

So beautifully said... and from the heart Dana! YES God does speak to us in oh so many ways! What a beautiful blossom too... it's a little sign from Sophie telling you she's embraced tightly in God's loving arms in heaven! Thinking of you! Keep the Faith!

Travis & Steph Olson said...

Amazing - your attitude and faithfulness to God is an inspiration to everyone who knows you. I believe in all your words - God is here and will comfort us if we open our eyes, ears and our hearts. You will experience happiness and amazing blessings; I pray for this daily for you and Bill.
~Love you!!~

M. Holland said...

That is so awesome Dana! I am so happy that you have seen the signs God has sent for you! Most people are not looking, but you are and you know He is here for you! . . . and so are all your friends and family!!! We all love you so much and can't stop thinking and praying for you! Please let us know if there is anything you need! Hope to see you soon!

klak said...

Love you, Dana and Bill!

jenb. said...

The unexpected never ceases to provide amazing gifts from a God that is so much greater and more powerful than can ever be put into words. I have been praying for that same All-Powerful God to be providing you with peace and comfort as you maneuver through these plans that He has for you, His children, Dana and Bill. That His Will may be done in your lives. That you will remain open to seeking, hearing, and embracing that Will. Continuing to send prayers for your healing as you learn how to keep living. You are a blessing to so many, praying that you will be blessed by many, even through a long, difficult journey.