Friday, October 21, 2011

20 Weeks

Baby Stansbery was not cooperative today at our appointment. He/She was sitting on my back curled up and not impressed with the ultrasound.  We will go back in a couple of weeks to recheck and take a look at the heart and a few other areas that we could not see. All of the tests were measuring a few weeks behind, except for one, the weight! We were a bit above average on the weight. Evidently we have a short fat baby right now;)

Oh and NO, we are still not finding out the sex of the baby!

No fabulous pictures today but I thought I would post a few anyway. The first one is a profile and the second one is the spine. Those were about the only two that worked! Hopefully baby will move off of my spine so we can see how he/she is doing next time.

The heartbeat was strong again today. I think it might have been a bit faster because I was so nervous!

As soon as the radiologist tried to do a 4D picture, the baby turned and tucked his/her head under so we could not get a total facial shot either! Goodness, is this baby going to be stubborn like his/her...ummmm father? Or what?

1 comment:

Steph and Travis Olson said...

LOVE the updates!!!!!! :) Keep 'em coming. Can't wait to meet baby Stansbery!!