We were having some troubles so we headed to the doctor. We had an ultrasound and the instant Baby Stansbery popped up on the screen, so did his/her little arm! She/he was shaking their fist at us, almost as to say, "I am just fine people!" My tears stopped, we laughed, and knew Baby Stansbery was safe and a bit feisty!
We are excited for our next appointment this week. We are hoping it is a good appointment and to see our little one healthy and growing!
I am passed the sickness stage and onto a stage where I am a bit hungry all of the time. I am following the rules for my tummy and eating small frequent meals with snacks. For the first time in quite a while I am missing dairy products and would love to eat some cheese! Crazy!
The only items I have craved so far are pumpkin pie (which I have probably had five times in my entire life) and pizza.