Saturday, August 31, 2013


Just saw this quote on someone's facebook page and fell in love with it instantly. 

"We have a choice everyday regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. We cannot change our circumstances. We cannot change that people will act in a certain way. The only string we have to play is our attitude. We are in charge of our attitude."

My mom will probably shoot me for repeating this, well, actually I am not really sure if she even reads my blog so I might be ok. 

Last night after we were at the doctor's office for 2 1/2 hours with Jillian, I called my mom. Jillian is OK, just needed to check a few things with her growth. Back to the phone call with my mom, I was excited to call her because Thursday was the first time I was able to talk to her on the phone in almost 2 weeks and I knew she would answer last night. This last round of chemo landed her in the hospital with some nasty infections that almost ended her time with us, but she is a tough cookie and is doing much better. While I was talking with my mom she said she was trying to find the positives in this whole situation. She has always encouraged us to do this throughout our life. Focus on the positives, find the positives, what are the positives, it will get better. Those are words I have heard my entire life from her. 

So last night, she said she finally found a positive in all that she is currently going through and dealing with.       Here it is:  She doesn't have to shave her legs for a long time. 

I burst out laughing and felt the best stress relief I have ever felt. My mom nailed it. It just goes back to always having hope and focusing on the positives :) Attitude IS truly everything!!

1 comment:

Laura Beth said...

hahaha Love This!! Glad your mom is doing better. I've been sending prayers.

xo Laura